
82 lines
2.1 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# Do nothing if not running an interactive shell
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) return;;
# Environment variables
export TERM="xterm-256color"
export EDITOR="vi"
export VISUAL="vi"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin/:$HOME/go/bin/"
export CDPATH=".:$HOME"
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config/"
export XDG_DATA_HOME="$HOME/.local/share/"
export XDG_STATE_HOME="$HOME/.local/state/"
# The Prompt
export PS1='\[\e[38;2;161;161;0m\]\u\[\e[0m\]@\[\e[34m\]\h\[\e[0m\]:\[\e[32m\]\W\[\e[0m\]\$ '
# History settings
shopt -s histappend # Append to the history file instead of overwriting it
HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # Don't put duplicate lines or lines beginning with a space in the history file
HISTSIZE=-1 # Don't limit the number of history lines stored
HISTFILESIZE=-1 # Don't truncate the history when reading the history file at the start of a shell session
# Pager settings
# Use lesspipe if it exists
if command -v lesspipe >/dev/null; then
declare lesspath
lesspath="$(command -v lesspipe)"
export LESSOPEN="| $lesspath %s";
export LESSCLOSE="$lesspath %s %s";
# Enable colors in less
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=""
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=""
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=""
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=""
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=""
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=""
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=""
# Enable dircolors
if [[ -x "$(command -v dircolors)" ]]; then
if [[ -r ~/.config/shell/dircolors ]]; then
eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.config/shell/dircolors)"
eval "$(dircolors -b)"
# Safety features
set -o noclobber # Enable features to prevent accidental file deletion
# Shell expansion features
shopt -s globstar # Enable "**" to match recursively when globbing
# Interactive features
set -o vi
# Aliases
source ~/.config/shell/aliasrc
# Functions
md() {
mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1" || return
# Automatically run tmux if we aren't already in a session and there's no matching session already running
if [[ -z "$TMUX" ]] && ! tmux list-sessions | grep --quiet "$HOSTNAME"; then
tmux new -s "$HOSTNAME"
# AUtomatically run X if this is a login tty
[[ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]] && ! pgrep -x Xorg >/dev/null && startx